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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院

ACCUPLACER check-in will begin at 11:00am and end at 2:00pm on Friday, May 17. 补考将照常进行.



  • You plan to enroll in a degree, certificate or diploma program at Saint Paul 大学.
  • You plan to register for a course or program that has a math requirement.

ACCUPLACER is available on a walk-in basis in the Saint Paul 大学 测试中心 during the hours listed. 无需预约. ACCUPLACER不计时, so please check 测试中心 hours and start early enough to complete it at a comfortable pace.  The assessment usually takes 1-2 hours but could possibly be longer.

Child care is not provided for individuals utilizing the 测试中心. 请检查 检测中心政策 来访前.

mg电子试玩app只提供数学ACCUPLACER. The 数学 ACCUPLACER is for students who do not have high school GPA, 行为, 坐, MCA或其他机构完成的大学学分. 点击这里了解有关位置的信息.


If you are a current or future Saint Paul 大学 student who wants to take the ACCUPLACER assessment at a different college 测试 site, 你可以向mg电子试玩app申请远程代金券. Please check with the school where you want to take the ACCUPLACER for information on fees. 欲索取代金券,请发电子邮件 测试.center@nfqueen.com 附下列资料:

  • Name of the institution where you want to test (please check with the college that they are still available for ACCUPLACER 测试)
  • 你将参加哪项考试(数学)
  • 姓和名
  • Saint Paul 大学 Student Tech ID (visible on top right corner in eServices)
  • 出生日期(月/日/年)
  • 电子邮件
  • Address

If you want to take the ACCUPLACER at Saint Paul 大学 for another school, 请在你想去的学校申请远程代金券. There is a $35 fee for each assessment administered at Saint Paul 大学 for a school that is not part of the 明尼苏达州立大学 & 大学系统.

You must bring your Remote Voucher to Saint Paul 大学 to take the ACCUPLACER. The email containing the voucher must be printed on paper, or visible on your phone/personal device. 你不需要预约. Please consult 测试中心 hours and allow yourself enough time to complete the assessment.

Any applicable fees must be paid to Saint Paul 大学 before you take the ACCUPLACER. 学费必须在一楼的学费窗口支付, 在正门的问讯处旁边. 请务必要收据

Please bring your voucher(s) and receipt to the 测试中心, Room 3140, to take the ACCUPLACER.




当你计划你的大学生涯, 了解阅读的基本技能是很重要的, 数学与写作. Knowing your skill level will help you and your advisor determine courses best suited for you. Our goal is to help you choose courses that best match your background and help ensure your future success.


  • 阅读:电子邮件 mg电子试玩app@nfqueen.com for the in-house Reading/English/EAP Assessment to determine what is the most appropriate placement level for each student.
  • EAPP:电子邮件 mg电子试玩app@nfqueen.com for the in-house Reading/English/EAP Assessment to determine what is the most appropriate placement level for each student.
  • 数学ematics: This portion measures your understanding of arithmetic through problem solving. Skills in operations of whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages. 比率,测量和几何将被评估. 不允许使用手持计算器.


是的! Reviewing for the ACCUPLACER could potentially save you hundreds of dollars and semesters at SPC. 请随意查看以下资源:


Determine when you will take your assessments (See hours and dates above). 一定要给自己足够的时间. The assessment usually takes at least 1-2 hours to complete, possibly longer.

  1. Get plenty of rest before taking the assessments and make sure you have eaten properly.
  2. Bring a government issued picture ID (such as a Driver’s License) for identification purposes.
  3. 到mg电子试玩app处(主楼), complete your application for Saint Paul 大学 and tell staff at the desk that you wish to take the assessment. You will be given a temporary ID card to take to the Assessment Center in Room 3140.
  4. You will need to show your temporary ID and your picture ID to the Computer Lab Assistants in the 测试中心 (Room 3140). The 测试中心 Coordinator will then get you set up on a computer and assist you as needed.


Saint Paul 大学 can use any of the following to waive assessments:

  • Unofficial transcripts from a college or university with a grade of C or higher
  • 最近5年内的行为/坐/MCA成绩
  • AP classes in which the college-level assessment was passed with a 3 or higher
  • IB classes in which the college-level assessment was passed with a 4 or higher
  • 获得非正式成绩单(s)学院在学校的课程
  • 高中成绩单,平均成绩2分.过去10年内有8次或以上的犯罪记录

附上任何这些文件到 评估豁免. 点击这里 了解更多关于实习的信息.

If you have completed the assessment at another Minnesota State college or university within the last 2 years, 你很可能不需要参加我们的评估. 要确定你是否获得豁免,请拨打一站式651.846.1555或去1300房间找一站式的工作人员.


如果学生想重新参加ACCUPLACER考试, 学院建议评估间隔5天, 复习:留出时间练习或复习. There are resources available for practice assessments on our 我应该为ACCUPLACER做准备吗? 下拉选项卡.

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